the missing tooth

Posted on 14 November 2006. Filed under: Everyday Life, Kid Time, Uncategorized |

Last night my son pulled another tooth out. I was working at the time and he had gone back upstairs to call Gramma and tell her. After work was completed I drug my exhausted self upstairs for supper and movie night. I told my son to make sure his room was cleaned up. He asked me to come into his room and check it. He had been eating cheese popcorn earlier as a snack after school so I asked him to get that cleaned up as he left a few kernels behind. Instead of picking them up, there were like 3 of them, he wanted to vacuum. No big deal right. Wrong – not when you’ve lost a tooth and have also left that on your floor where you were sitting. I later asked him if he’d put his tooth in his glass for the tooth fairy. A panicked look appeared on his face as he told me he threw it away with the kleenex when he was cleaning his room. So we first dug through the bathroom garbage. Nope, not there. We then got down and looked through the carpet. Nope, not there. That’s when I remembered he’d vacuumed – oh shit. I have yet to dig through the vacuum, maybe today – uggggggg. Anyway…… being concerned that the tooth fairy wouldn’t stop now, I told him to write a letter telling her what happened and she’d probably stop then.

He was extremely excited when he found three dollars in quarters with his letter this morning. However while he was eating breakfast he says…. “Mom… I think YOU left that money here.” “How the heck could I have done it, I was sleeping loooooong before you were. You guys stayed up watching the movie and I fell asleep on the couch.” He agreed and dropped it so I’m not sure if he actually bought that or if he just dropped it. So who knows if he believes in the tooth fairy anymore.

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4 Responses to “the missing tooth”

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I got such a kick out of his note! “I’m broke”! That is too cute! Oh I can only imagine the stress of lossing the tooth! I thikn I did that once as a child too! I wonder how he will act when the next one comes out- that could tell you if he still believes or not.

That note is so great! When it comes to money or presents, they pretend to believe. 🙂

He only wanted 10¢? You might want to teach that boy some negotiation skills…hehe.

That is super cute. One time D lost his tooth and we couldn’t find it. I had him draw a photo of the tooth to put under his pillow.

The worst part of it is that it was really loose so we did the tie a string thing. It came and and flew up. We looked everywhere but it had disappeared – until later that night.
I found it in my bra when I was going to bed.
Yup, flew right into my cleavage.

MK and FFG: I’m sure it won’t be much longer of believing, being a 2nd grader, kids are talking that they don’t believe, so soon the time will come for my baby to outgrow one more thing 😦

Rachel: I’m LMAO at the tooth flying into your cleavage – oh how I wish I HAD cleavage for a tooth to fly into! 🙂 haha That is absolutely hilarious! A story to remember forever!

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