weekend update

Posted on 16 April 2007. Filed under: baby, Everyday Life, family, Kid Time, model rockets, pregnancy |

  • Picked up my husband’s daughter
  • Kids made a tent to sleep in that night out of blankets and chairs (and the much required portable DVD player)
  • Made plans to shoot off the rocket (after losing the last one to the power lines)
    • 1st shot – good! But it went a long way and wouldn’t you know the little guy chasing it is the one with the broken arm! (We went to a friends house to shoot it off and their grandson is with them)

    • 2nd shot – bad! We were fearing it landing on the house, the motorcycles, or in a tree! Luck was on our side and it missed them all 🙂 Obviously someone else’s luck (not mine 😛 ) But……. this turned out to be our last shot (this is my luck 😛 ) the parachute had a hole burned in it. So it was fun while it lasted.

  • Brought little guy back to town with us, the boys drew a huge airport/city on the cement with sidewalk chalk.
  • My husband’s daughter and I played on the swing-set.
  • I got sun-burned!
  • Took little guy to his other Grandparents where he was spending the night.
  • Our kids made plans to stay at Gramma’s (my Mom’s) that night
  • Got my first motorcycle ride of the year! WooHoo!!
  • Husband put the baby’s changing table/dresser together – I love it!! It’s gorgeous! I can’t wait to have everything done.
  • Went to parents for lunch.
  • Kids rode the go-cart, played outside, got sun-burned some more (but not terrible)
  • Headed out of town to drop husband’s daughter off.
  • NICE. WARM. BATH. 🙂 I needed that!
  • Spent half the night awake either crying or protecting my belly after thinking my husband squished the baby! His feet ended up on my stomach and he was either stretching or turning over in his sleep and used his feet on my belly as his leverage point! I layed there crying because it hurt so damn bad and the baby wasn’t moving and I freaked the hell out! It felt like forever before baby kicked again and I could relax a little bit, it was actually probably about an hour. But I swear it felt like a year!

  • And now here I am starting the week over 🙂 Hope your weekend was good.

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Awww!!! I was so worried about that last night, too. My husband was very active in his sleep last night and wouldn’t stay on his side of the bed. I’m lucky that I sleep with a knee up, so it was protecting my belly. There were a couple of close calls, but at this point, there’s still so much padding that she would have been fine if he had hit me in the night.

I’m glad that the baby was moving around again, though. It’s so stressful when you think something might be wrong, and all you can do is wait it out. Seriously – the little window on our belly’s would be so helpful!

We DO need that window! I was telling my Mom what happened this morning and I was still teary eyed from worrying. I can’t sleep in bed anymore because I’m too uncomfortable so I’m on the couch recliner and my husband sleeps on the rest of the couch. He used to sleep with his head at my legs, but he’s switched so his feet are by my legs. We’re going to have to do something different.

Whew. What a weekend!

P.S. SO glad to hear you and baby are both ok. 🙂

Sounds like you were just as busy as we were!!

My parents would help us make those types of tents from tables and chairs. Course one of the openings of the tent would have to open to a view of the TV.

The swingset has always been my favorite piece of playground equipment. It’s not just for kids to play on anymore, just sit on a swing and swing out.

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